Shared Values is the business model behind ENCOMPASS. What are Shared Values? It’s a simple concept. Businesses are going to have IT issues, requirements and needs. That is just a fact. They need problems resolved, technologies kept up to date, invoices simplified, employees trained, cyber security protections put into place and regular meetings to plan, budget and discuss where they are and where they want to be.  

If your IT provider’s business model is to bill per hour for services like these, then it only makes sense that they would hope you require a lot of work. You want fewer problems, and they want more problems. This doesn’t sound good, does it? This leads to IT providers just sitting around, hoping something breaks and for you to call. This is not productive or proactive. We call this “Opposing Goals”. When the important technology services are included in a program, including support labor, we now have the same goal as you. To get and keep your business where it needs to be and for you to be as problem free as possible. This is what we call “Shared Values”, and this is the model behind ENCOMPASS. 

ENCOMPASS is a comprehensive support plan that includes the services listed below, all under one umbrella and with one flat rate.  


Get in touch to see how we can partner to service and protect your workstations, servers and network.

Hours 8:00AM – 5:00PM CST

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